Thursday, August 11, 2011

The elliptical

I go to the gym very often. Like everyday often. When I enter I feel lazy and for the most part I don't want to be there. But as I begin my journey to a better body on the elliptical, I feel empowered and immediatly energized.

One of my...most difficult workout machines is the elliptical. Mostly due to the fact that I smoke. An entire black and Mild a day. Bad habit, I know but we all have our self-medication to satisfy.

I spend 20 minutes the elliptical. This is consecutive, strenuous, and heart-tiring jogging at minimum 4.0 speed. I love it. I might be a glutton for the pain. Its extreme to me. I am not the type of person to run or even sweat. So anything that requires the two of me is out of the question. On the other hand, I love to exercise. Enough so that I find that I take the time to put in the extra effort of speed up during the last 5mins.

I keep going. Staring at the numbers, making sure that I maintain the 4.0 speed, checking my heart rate, and accelerating because I want to ensure I get those extra calories burned.

Some perks are the screens attached to the elliptical. I mean, my gym is top notch. We have TVs screens connected to our machines to make us forget that we are exercising by letting us watch our favorite cable TV shows. LOL

I think I'm a weirdo for writing an entry on my infatuation with the elliptical.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Getting to know my mom


I'm in the process of gaining an understanding of my mom. For a very long time I didn't get my mom. She was and still is an extreme liar. It as if she has been a long time user of hard drugs. I'm talkin hard as in cocaine and other shit. This is weird, provided she always has something cynical to say about hard users.

I've always known her to lie about things that make her seem like she is a saint. But There is I have found out, it scares me to want to learn anymore. Its not my business cuz like me, she's a grown ass woman. Knowing anything new won't change anything. It will only help me understand her methods and why she is the way she is.

I HAVE learned so far that she has...Carck-head tendencies, she breaks up with her boyfriend then regrets it ASAP, She has late night hook ups and doesn't come home sometimes. There is more but SMH.

So now I have to pretty much read all the signs to see what kinda person she really is. My entire life has kinda been a lie and she feels no remorse about it at all. It's like she's numb. Who the hell raised me?! Thank you god for giving me common sense. Without it, I would be a next generation repeat.

Wish me luck on the quest

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Oh Baby!

So I cleverly titled this blog Oh baby because I have been having sex with one of my friends. On this particular night after sex he asked me was I using birth control. This made my brain send all the nerve signals allowing me to sit up like I was rising from the dead.

Now before I continue, I'd like to say that I am not a stoopid girl. I do enjoy sex but I am not fond of the risks of having children or contracting an STD(I). I make sure a condom is worn when I am having sex. There has been times when I had been really risky and had sex without a condom. But I made sure that he pulled out before he came. So wen this guy tells me this I was a bit thrown off.

I am a bitch. I usually behave or cut back on the behavior part but this guy has never seen me angry. Or even heard me curse before. We wore a condom (like we always do) so why would he ask that? I felt and heard the condom. He didnt take it off but if he did....

Was he intentionally trying to get me pregnant I thought as I went home. If I was to get pregnant now, I would seriously get an abortion and never talk to him again. That shit isnt cool with me. If I wanted to be a young mom then I woulda did it when I was 15. But I seriously dont wanna have kids or take care of them right now in my life.

Then his lame ass. He dropped outta skool wen he was in the 9th grade, he doesn't work, and he lives with his mom. He can't provide anything. He can try and spend his life scrapping by to support a child but I dont wanna go thru that either.

In the end all I know is that my period better come every month or not only will he meet and loose another side of me but his wont get the kid he tried to be slick and knock me up with. Cuz i have too many dreams and goals to achieve.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

sick of family blogs

No offense to many bloggers but what the hell?
Is there a way to read blogs that dont have anything to do with "the life and times of my kid/dog/family"
I understand that u want to remember the days ur little KDF (kids, dog, or family) did something amazing but urgh!!! it makes me mad when I'm blog browsing and there are 12 back to back blogs on someone's little punk doing something that kids and even dogs do. Unless ur kid can find a cure for diseases or ur dog can do magic tricks please block ur blog or something. Its not entertaining. Its like ur exploiting ur KDF. Perverts around the world are checking out ur cute kid's body day after day. It is cute but its jus not exciting. Blog about ur life. Im not talking a parent blog because that's exactly what ur doing right now. Try something new and exciting or explain ur day with out mentioning ur KDF. If thats all u have that's fine but the world doesnt care. Post that crap on parents magazine or kids magazine or what ever jus get that wack stuff outta here!

The Neighbor's friend

So last week sunday, I went to church for the 1st time in a long time. I guess I hadn't been trying as much as I should have. I was always to lazy and couldnt gather the strength to sit in front of someone who was gonna explain how much of a sinner I really was. Even tho it had been my Newyear's resolution for more than 2 years, I hadn't step foot in a church in 4 (maybe 5 years).

But I finally decided to go after I my high school sweetheart's funeral that friday. Something in me said that no one will judge me and that I had nothing to lose. I went dressed for the wrong occassion. I wore a chrisp, white tank top, a hot pink bandage mini skirt, and white sandles. The mini skirt wasnt that mini (BTW), it was past my finger tips. I had second thoughts as I walked up, but that changed once this old lady greeted me "Good morning gorgeous". All in all it was the best service I had been to. I enjoyed it and felt like i was being reached out to.

When I returned home, I felt at peace with myself. My day had been going great. I met the neighbor's friend while I was smoking on the stairwell. He was very attractive. I like guys with long hair and a different nationality than myself. Its such a turn on, lol. We talked very breifly and he went back inside my neighbor's apartment.

The next friday, I was on the stairwell again smoking. What a bad habit right? He came out as if he knew I was there. It turns out we are the same age (20) and we both like Corona beer. After that, he offered me a beer and we went on to talk about so many different topics. I was feeling hella buzz and Im sure he was too. While I only had 2 coronas he had been drinking all night. At this point, i was okay with anything. Not to say I am easy but little shit doesnt bother me. Or better yet everything is little shit, lol. We were all huggy and making out. Talking about how perfect we are for each other because I am going to school to teach and he is going to start school for medicine.

He made me laugh all night. I think that was the longest I had stayed out for a smoke. It was 2 am when I went back inside. I liked that he was patient with me. We have this language barrier because he is El salvadorian (forgive if I spelled that wrong) and I am ...well American. He taught me some spanish tips tho. I bet I won't have any trouble with that spanish course when I get back to school. (Its summer break.) He also told me that Coronas mean 'Crown' and that Modelo is the same thing but it means 'Model'.

Some things I learned about him:
  • name is gustavo
  • lived in California
  • move to Maryland with his family
  • Like it better in Maryland
  • Speaks spanish, english, french
  • wants to go into medicine
  • Single
  • Works at the hospital weekdays
  • likes Coronas/Modelo (they are the same thing!)/ Henekin
  • Plays soccer
I really enjoyed meeting him. I think he really spiced up my lonely and boring summer. I might even be a little sprug for him. I've been day dreaming about him since we parted. So I gave him my number so we can call and text each other. Told him that If I was still single when I come back in the winter for christmas and new year's we would hang out and act like a couple. What a nice guy.

Friday, May 6, 2011

brazilian Women

For crying out loud! I can't imagine having a body like this but if I did trust me when I say I wouldn't be caught in clothes. Brazilian women are so hot for no reason. What the hell do you do to get a body so damn near perfect? Perfect breast, a small waist, healthy thick thighs. I want in!
I'm really into Brazilian funk music. MC Marcelly always has my ipod jammin' something wild. For a minute, I used to think that dancing to funk music or Axe or Samba all the time can get you a body like this but I'm not Brazilian so I wouldn't know.

 It must be great to go to the beach and get a good tan to match your good looking body. Women in Brazil must have awesome self-esteem. I hear that almost everyone wears little dental floss bikinis. has confirmed the "almost everyone" part. I've seen people's moms saggin' in a 2 piece bikini on the beach with no shame. 
I like talking about brazilian women. They are my turn on. Too bad I dont about the guys. They all seem a lil gay from the funk videos. I wish they would prove me wrong though. Its always nice to be wrong about the way you see someone. They could be the coolest person ever!


I'm gonna do my best to make this blog as much random, interesting, and OPEN as my mind. All of my interest, concerns, vent session, and even my 420 breaks lol.

You have to keep in mind that I am open-minded. I'll try (almost) anything once. I'm posting mostly for me. You reader are just that, "readers". While your opinion is welcome, I could care less. Be respectful of my life posted in these blogs and I'm sure that convo will as pleasant.

that's all I got to say~!
Have fun reading.